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UKG Modernizes Knowledge Management with ServiceNow

Centralized Knowledge Base

Improved Performance Visibility

Seamless Adoption of ServiceNow v3


Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG), one of the largest cloud computing companies in workforce and human capital management solutions, faced the challenge of consolidating knowledge management across its diverse business units after merging with Ultimate Software. UKG needed a centralized, modernized knowledge management solution to ensure consistency and ease of access across the organization. GlideFast Consulting assisted in migrating UKG to ServiceNow’s Knowledge Management v3. The result was a streamlined, centralized knowledge base that improved departmental access to information, enhanced visibility into knowledge management performance, and allowed for easy adoption without extensive customizations.

The Customer

Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG) is one of the largest cloud computing companies in the world. This organization was formed through a merger between Ultimate Software and Kronos Incorporated in 2020. The post-merger organization specializes in workforce management and human capital management solutions. With over 70 years of experience between these two leaders in HR solutions, UKG aims to continue developing innovative solutions for their customer base.



The Challenge

After the finalization of the UKG merger, the organization found that different departments and business units were utilizing multiple knowledge management technologies. To provide consistency across the organization, UKG needed to centralize their knowledge management to make it easy for their users to access knowledge whenever needed in one central place. The goal was to implement vendor and industry best practice knowledge management solution through ServiceNow. 

Prior to merging with Ultimate Software, Kronos had already been utilizing ServiceNow. The team was currently using Knowledge Management v2, with a goal of implementing and modernizing their current ServiceNow Knowledge Management application by migrating to v3. In implementing this updated knowledge management solution, UKG wanted to remain as close to baseline as possible, with no additional scripting or customizations needed. They also  wanted to learn about the new features included in version 3.0, with guidance on how best to implement the application within their current processes.

The Solution

Throughout the implementation process, GlideFast worked closely with the UKG team to assist with the incorporation and understanding of their new Knowledge Management solution. 

Outside of the development work to incorporate v3, GlideFast hosted internal meetings, demos, and training sessions with UKG employees to make the onboarding process as smooth as possible.  GlideFast provided support and reference documents to explain v3 new features. 

The GlideFast team also worked alongside the UKG systems administrator to ensure that ServiceNow was operating smoothly, incorporating any feedback when necessary. The collaborative nature of this implementation allowed GlideFast to structure the solution in a way that would work well with UKG’s existing processes.

The Results

Today, UKG has a more formalized and centralized knowledge management process. Reference guides and initial training allowed for easy adoption of ServiceNow Knowledge Management v3. GlideFast was able to incorporate this solution while remaining as close to the initial baseline software as possible. Additionally, UKG gained a more thorough understanding of the process benefits that came from this update to v3; this includes a centralized knowledge base, ownership groups, and customizable workflows. As a result, each department can quickly access the information relevant to their specific needs. 

From an executive perspective, UKG has improved visibility into the performance of their knowledge management practices. The updated modules of Knowledge Management v3 allows for insight into the number of articles under review, articles used / viewed per month, and unpublished articles that need to be updated, among other metrics. UKG plans to continue building their relationship with GlideFast as they work towards incorporating timecards and resource management applications through ServiceNow.





Massachusetts, United States



13,000+ Employees



ServiceNow Knowledge Management