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Return To Work With CSM

Nonprofit - ServiceNow CSM

The Challenge

A non-profit, community-directed health system in the midwest United States was previously using a health ServiceNow implementation to track incidents, requests, and more. They had created their own health check-in app, but needed a simpler, more adoptable solution for their larger community.

After the hit of the COVID-19 pandemic, the client and their hundreds of partners across two states were forced to quickly transition to remote work. When the pandemic settled, the partners, being companies in industries ranging from fast food restaurants to factories to retail and beyond, needed a way to allow employees to safely return to work. 

The client aimed to create a tool in ServiceNow that had systems for tracking and reporting on COVID-related health statuses. The solution needed to be easy for business partners to adopt and easy for their employees to use.

Image by National Cancer Institute-4

The Solution

The GlideFast Consulting team presented the solution of using ServiceNow’s Customer Service Management (CSM) to enable their partners’ employees to submit daily health check-ins and for employer admins to monitor the results via Performance Analytics (PA) reporting. The GlideFast team built a sophisticated employee import set/transform map that allows the client’s admins to easily process weekly employee lists submitted by each partner’s admins. 

In addition to this system, the GlideFast team created enhancements with catalog variable widgets to make the catalog items easier to use and enhanced the login and password reset process to be more visually appealing.


Through their partnership with GlideFast, the client was able to achieve the following in 6 weeks: 

  • Built and launched a scalable, adoptable solution through CSM to ensure a safe and healthy return to work for thousands of employees for their partners

  • Created an exceptional employee check-in experience for users

  • Reduced ServiceNow admin effort by more than 75% with a dynamic employee import/transform 

  • Utilized remaining budget to develop a detailed reporting page that displays a variety of the client’s most important check-in trends



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